2008 Programs
Sunday February 24 Pot Luck Supper 5:00 PM GRANGE ROOM TOWN HALL Jeanne Kangas: The Origins of Boxborough. As some of you know, Jeanne did considerable research into the founding of the Town during the Bicentennial and we were very fortunate to have her come talk to us.
Sunday March 30 7:00 PM MORSE & HILBERG ROOMS TOWN HALL Alan Rohwer: Thoreau, Boxborough and Inches Wood. This was back by popular demand and well worth hearing.
Sunday May 4 HISTORY DAY: Museum, Museum Lawn & Steele Farm 1:00 to 4:00 PM. For the first time this was a two location event. The Steele Farm Committee was co-sponsoring agricultural exhibits.
Sunday June 8 1:00 PM Donald Morse: Tour of North Cemetery This was also back by popular demand and was a fascinating tour.
Sunday October 26 7:00 PM MORSE & HILBERG ROOMS TOWN HALL Dan Boudillion: Nashoba Hill: the Nashoba Indians and their Relationship to the Land Dan is a resident of Littleton and we were very fortunate to have him give us a preview of the presentation he made to the NEARA Conference in Newport. THIS WILL BE PRECEEDED BY THE BRIEF ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SOCIETY.
Sunday November 23 7:00 PM MORSE & HILBERG ROOMS TOWN HALL David Erickson: Antique Stoves, Back to the Future. David runs the antique stove refinishing shop in the old Littleton Depot and had some great stories.