2007 Programs
May 6, 2007, 7:00 p.m. Grange Hall, Town Hall, Boxborough, MA "What would Henry think? Climate change comes to Thoreau's Concord, and neighboring Massachusetts." Professors Richard Primack and Post-Doctoral Researcher Abraham Miller-Rushing: Global warming is already affecting the flowering times of plants and the arrival times of birds in eastern Massachusetts. Drs. Primack and Miller-Rushing used innovative sources of information and beautiful photographs to describe the local effects of global warming. One such data source consists of the observations of flowering times made 150 years ago by Thoreau in nearby Concord.
June 3, 2007, 7:00 pm Grange Hall, Town Hall, Boxborough, MA. "Freedom's Way Program/Projects". John Ott, the new President of the Board of Trustees for Freedoms Way and Executuve Director of the National Heritage Museum, in Lexington. Mr. Ott talked about past, present and future programs for the Freedoms Way Heritage Trail. Boxborough is a member town and has the opportunity to provide information about tours and sites to see in the town.